Learning How To Pray With Your Spouse
Starting to pray together can seem awkward at first; however once you become emotionally and spiritually naked with each other, you will began to talk out loud to God as if he was the third person in the room. Striving to pray out loud together daily is habit forming. It something faith leads you to do! Once this habit is formed you no longer feel uncomfortable with one another, even if the words don’t come out perfectly, the mere fact that you have been prompted to pray is a start. What I’ve experienced is the Holy Spirit leading, especially in those much needed prayer time. You get so desperate that you will find the word, and believe it or not—God hears our desperate cries. As a matter of fact, He loves an authentic prayer—one with true repentance. He knows what we need.
The Bible tell us this in Romans 8 …the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groaning’s which cannot be uttered. He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
Once the awkwardness of praying with your partner wears off, the spiritual intimacy begins. This is an unexpected bonus that comes with having a personal relationship with Christ. Prior to us praying together, my husband would often lay hands on me and pray. I could hear him praying for me after an argument one evening and I was not in mood for prayer. I was angry with him, really mad! I wanted to say “Get your hands off of me!” But I didn’t. Remember, your spirit is always will, but my flesh was weak. No one had ever told us we could experience this kind of intimacy in our relationship until I really got into the word for myself.
I recall Creflo Dollar stressing the importance of praying together almost twenty years ago, however at that time I was not trying to hear it! I was living how I wanted to live instead of living for Christ. Now that I can see, my life has changed to live for the Kingdom of God and I’m loving it! So what I’m saying is this…be obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and do not worry about being eloquent in your speech or being politically correct. Pray to the Father a desperate prayer and He will hear you. It’s one thing to say to your spouse, “I’ll pray for you,” It’s another thing to say, “Let’s pray together.”
Jesus promises us that whenever two or three come together in his name, he will also be there (see Matthew 18:20). Invite him into your marriage today through prayer—you won’t regret it.
Dec 03, 2014 @ 12:31:03
I really liked this article. Praying together is a really powerful thing to do. When I pray with my husband it is a totally different dynamic to praying on my own and it’s interesting to see how we hear and see together what The Lord is saying. Plus there is little room for arguments when you’re praying together daily in this way.
Nice article. Thanks for sharing Beverley.